quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2013

Newsletter Anne Frank


Newsletter 12 June

Anne Frank

12 June
Anne Frank’s 84th birthday

On 12 June 1942 Anne Frank celebrated her thirteenth birthday. Her parents gave her a diary with a red checked cover, her favorite present. “I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support”, Anne wrote in her diary the same day. Today marks what would have been Anne Frank’s 84th birthday.

Miep Gies Park
From today, the public park on the Hunzestraat in Amsterdam South has a name: the Miep Gies Park. The naming of the park is a tribute to Miep Gies and the other helpers of the eight people in hiding in the Secret Annexe at Prinsengracht 263. Miep and her husband Jan Gies lived at Hunzestraat 25.

Anne Frank Exhibit
The online exhibit Anne Frank: her life, her diary, her legacy is now available in 12 languages. Besides in English, the exhibit is available in Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, Russian, Polish, German and Dutch.

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Anne Frank Day Argentina
Argentina has declared June 12 as 'Anne Frank Day'.


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